tel:+91 7897892491

Frequently Asked Questions

Career counseling goes beyond just knowing your career choices. A counselor can help you explore and analyse each option more deeply, considering multiple factors and long-term perspectives. A career counselor offers an objective and unbiased perspective which you may not get from friends or family who may be emotionally invested in your decisions.
Career counseling can expose you to potential career paths or industries you might not have considered before. Exploring alternatives can broaden your horizons and open new possibilities that you may not be aware of.
Even if you have a good understanding of your career choices, career counseling can provide validation and confirmation. It can boost your confidence in your decisions and reinforce your career path. It can deepen your self-awareness and equip you with valuable insights to succeed in your chosen career path.
Career counseling and admission counseling are related but two different services. The main aim of career counseling is to assist individuals in making well-informed career selection and decision. It involves assessing the individual’s interests, skills, values, and personality traits to help them understand their strengths and weaknesses. Based on this information, the counselor provides career-related advice, suggests potential career options, and helps the individual set realistic and achievable career goals.
Admission counseling, on the other hand, is focused on assisting students with the college or university application process. The main purpose is to guide students through the complex application procedures, helping them select the right educational institutions and programs that match their academic interests and career objectives.
Career counseling can occur at various stages of an individual’s life while Admission counseling is typically sought during the period when students are applying to colleges or universities, usually during their final year of high school or in the early stages of higher education.
Career counseling is not a one-time exercise but rather a continuous and evolving process that can benefit individuals at various stages of their career and life.
Mostly, students seek career counseling during high school or college to make well-informed decisions about their educational paths and future career choices.
However, even for those who feel settled in their careers, periodic career counseling can provide a fresh perspective, offer guidance on professional development, and ensure that their career trajectory remains aligned with their evolving interests and aspirations.

Aligning your passion with a viable career path requires thoughtful self-exploration and strategic planning. A career counselor can facilitate and help you identify your strengths, skills,  interests, what makes you engaged and enthusiastic. They can help you develop a career path which aligns with your skills and passion.

Career counseling is not just about immediate decisions; it involves creating a long-term career plan based on multiple factors which are unique to you.
A career counselor is knowledgeable about various career paths, industries, and job market trends. They can provide insights into different career options and potential growth opportunities, helping you make informed decisions.

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